Saturday, July 26, 2014

Trust Me, Life is Worse than Star Wars Episode 1

Life is like a bad telling of Star Wars.

For instance, instead of being set a “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....” Life is RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

As you grow up, Life tells you to stop being a motherfucking Jedi, because not so secretly, you never were. 

Worst of all, instead of having a Darth Vader that turns out to be your father. You have a father who turns out to be your Darth Vader.

Father: "Luke... I am your daddy issues."

Monday, July 21, 2014

Trust Me, Comedy is Honest

I haven't been putting in the time like I used to for stand up. You can tell by how healthy and clean-shaven I look. And despite my better functioning liver, not performing in a while is going to hurt me on stage.

I've probably wrote this before, but I believe stand up comedy is honest.

By that I mean, you can't cheat the stage time. And you definitely can't cheat or steal the jokes... unless you're rich, you have sleazy car-salesman-like charisma, or most decidedly, you're a Honduran with a fake stage name.

But the point is, comedy is fair. (And not that fake fair the YMCA teaches. Let's be honest, the kid with his right shoe on his left foot shouldn't get the same amount of playing time as everyone else.)

You put the time in, you do well. You don't, you do poorly. Simple arithmetic.

Audiences don't care if you're new, they don't care if they loved your old material, they don't care about your bullshit credits, an audience only cares if you're funny RIGHT NOW.

So, when I get back at it, whether I do poorly or not so poorly, the feedback will be honest. And it's easier to grow from honest feedback.

Shortly after an Open Mic performance.

Me: " Well, that didn't go so bad.."
Audience: "Yes, it did go that bad, and you should feel bad, scrub."
Me: "But I did my best."
Audience: "We don't want no scrub. A scrub is a guy who can get no love from me... ect (TLC)"

What have I been doing you asked???

Advice To My Fellow Artists:

Quit any job that puts you down creatively.

I don’t mean that the job puts down your creativity.

I mean that the job finds creative ways to put you down.

Like adds trap doors and shit. 

That’s just straight bull.

You shouldn’t have to put up with that!

You’re an “artist"!